New album soon to be released

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The new album, entitled Mind Over Machine, was written entirely in Berlin and is unlike anything I have ever done before.

As advancements in the technology behind recorded music have increased, so has the debate as to whether these advancements have been a positive or a detrimental influence on the art and quality of original music. My belief has always been that it is completely irrelevant. What is important is the spirit of the artist that is behind the technology, regardless of whether that technology is primitive or advanced.

This has been my guiding principle throughout the creation of Mind Over Machine. This means there are points on the album where I have used the latest technology available to me, and other parts where the recording is as primitive as it gets in this day and age. The deciding factor has always been what will best paint the colour or feeling that I want to hear. I have been completely freed from any influence which can arise from an awareness of what other producers say is “right” or “wrong”. As a result I feel for the first time in my life that I have truly found my own voice as a recording artist and producer. I cannot wait to share this music with you.


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